Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Service and Giving Back

Being a federal employee allows us to give back and play a vital role in making our nation great. Another way of giving back comes in the form of volunteer work and community service.

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to paint classrooms in an inner-city Washington D.C. school. While I am sure that most of us could have found something else to do on a Saturday morning, here were about 50 people from all walks of life, ready to contribute to the community and improve this school. It is experiences like these that allow us to see the greater good in others and willingness to make our community a better place.

Our mission in Young Government Leaders is to educate, inspire, and transform the current and future leaders of federal government. Part of educating, inspiring, and transforming consists of volunteer work and community service. The benefits of such service are two-fold. Not only does it provide you with an opportunity to better understand others and build interpersonal and teambuilding skills, you will be making a difference in your community. This difference can range from providing a place for kids to learn, food for the poor, or cures to diseases. With this in mind, I encourage you to take part in some sort of volunteer activity, whether you are racing for the cure, serving at a food shelter or cleaning up an elementary school. I believe that giving back not only makes us better as a person, but better as a nation.

Shaun Khalfan, Strategic Planning Committee
Young Government Leaders

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olympic Athletes vs. Young Feds

The 29th Olympic summer games began August 8th. I have been diligently watching every night to see every country’s best athletes compete to be the best in the world. These athletes are representing their country and sport with pride. They are competing to make their country proud. Is this the role, we as young federal employees try to play and portray in our respective agencies for the United States of America as well?

We work every day to try and play a role in helping our nation. Whether it is by saving taxpayer dollars, defending our homeland, conserving our wildlife, or developing cures for disease. We try to outdo what the last have done, better their strategies, craft new ideas, and be innovative in our way of thinking.

As young feds, we want to inspire those around us, colleagues, potential recruits, citizens, to see the rewarding benefits of representing your country as a government employee. It is just one of many ways to make a difference in our nation, even the world. We may not receive an Olympic medal for our work, but we still should identify with the athletes in that same sense of national pride.

So, are you going to be the Federal Government’s next “Michael Phelps”?

Mary Morrison, Social Committee Chair

Monday, August 18, 2008

Benefits of Working for a Large Government Agency

Six years ago I started working for the Department of the Navy as a Naval Acquisition Intern. This marked the beginning of my Department of Defense career. In the past six years, I worked in six different offices, three at the Washington Navy Yard, two at the Pentagon, and one in Rosslyn, VA. During my tenure I’ve worked in four career fields; acquisition, program management, policy and human resources. The opportunities afforded to you in a large government agency, such as the Department of Defense, are tremendous. If you are feeling stagnant in your current position, there are numerous opportunities available in the department for you to explore. You can change careers or change offices, the choice is yours. Don’t get me wrong, you still have to apply to most of these positions, but you carry with you a working knowledge of the largest organization in the world. As we all know, with good there is bad. On the flip side, you can get lost in such a large agency, so it is important to make your mark by taking advantage of opportunities and networking.

Cara Spiro
YGL Professional Development Committee Co-Chair

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

GOT(G)V - Get Out The Government Vote!

As federal employees, we have a big stake in the upcoming presidential election. Not only do we share the responsibility with the rest of America to elect a new world leader, but when we go to the polls, we are also voting for our future boss. No matter what agency you work for (federal, state, and local levels included), the president/governor/mayor we elect has the ability to appoint a number of his or her likeminded colleagues throughout the executive branch who will impact the work we do on a daily basis.

Government employees seem to understand the link between voting and their day jobs. Two researchers from Louisiana State University looked at voter turnout in the 1996 Presidential election and found that government employees had a turnout rate that was 12 percent higher than that of non-government employees.[1]

The researchers found that this difference could be attributed, in part, to the fact that government employees possessed certain characteristics normally associated with high voter turnout, such as being older, being female, and having higher levels of education, news readership, social capital, and satisfaction with democracy. Yet, even when the researchers controlled for these factors, they still found a significant correlation between public service and higher voter turnout. That is, there is something unique about public service that makes government employees vote at greater rates than those employed by the private sector. (We always new we were special, now we have the research to back it up!)

So what does this mean for young government leaders, besides the fact that we in the government community are in good company with voters and news junkies? Let’s break it down:

Young: In the 2004 election, turnout was highest among older Americans: about 70 percent of Americans age 45-55 turned out to vote, compared to only 56 percent of 25-34 year-olds and 47 percent of 18-24 year-olds.[2] The good news is that voter turnout among younger Americans has been increasing in recent years. As young government leaders, we have the ability to continue this trend. Our continued turnout will be especially important as the 69 percent of the federal labor force over the age of 40 retires in large numbers over the next few years. It’s our turn to represent, so bring it (well, bring yourself) to the polls this November!

Government: If the trends the LSU researchers observed in the 1996 election hold true, government employees’ votes are actually worth more than face value. Government employees are a smaller segment of the population, yet we turnout in higher rates than the country on average. The more government employees at the polls this fall, the bigger impact the “government vote” will have. So feel confident that your vote counts this Election Day!

Leaders: As leaders, we don’t take responsibility lightly. We embrace any opportunity to make a difference, set a positive example, and empower others to join us. As the current and future strategists, innovators, implementers, and evaluators of our country’s policies, we know that actions speak louder than words. So grab a public service colleague and register to vote, learn about the candidates, and locate your polling place.[3] Lead others to the polls and get out the (government) vote!

Now, before you rush off with American Flag in hand, there are two caveats you should know about as you get energized for Election Day. First, research shows that government employees as a group do not tend to favor one political party more than the other. So the “government vote” is unlikely to produce a mandate for any one candidate this fall. This is not necessarily a bad thing, however, since – second caveat here – the Hatch Act and its 1993 amendments prohibit federal employees from engaging in certain political activities in the workplace (e.g. no soliciting political contributions at work and no wearing political buttons while on duty).[4] So embrace your nonpartisan exuberance for civic duty and, at the very least, celebrate one of the only times when we, as government employees, get a say in picking our new boss.

-Margie Watson

[1] This research can be found in Public Choice, Volume 111: pp. 259–283, April 2002.
[2] The Washington Post, May 2005: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/25/AR2005052501965.html
[3] The voter registration deadline for DC and VA is Oct. 6; for MD it is Oct. 14. http://www.rockthevote.com/voting-is-easy/important-dates/
[4] Office of Special Counsel booklet on the Hatch Act: http://www.osc.gov/documents/hatchact/ha_fed.pdf